History of the ground of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Chile


  • Carlos Gonzalo Osorio-Abarzúa Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina


This work tells the site’s history, including the Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Hospital, and School of Public Health of the University of Chile. In the northern sector of Santiago, for-merly called Chimba, the illustrious governor Pedro de Valdivia established his farm. Their lands bordered to the north with those of Huechuraba. A farm in Huechuraba was granted in 1546 to the conqueror Pedro de Miranda. Then Diego de Aranda Gatica acquired the southern end of said property. Later, the property was auctioned by the prominent Peruvian doctor and professor Ignacio de Jesús Zambrano and finally acquired by the Matte family.
In 1872, the San Vicente de Paul hospital was established on this property; in 1889, the School of Medicine of the University of Chile, and in 1970, the School of Public Health.


Clinical Hospital of University of Chile, History of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health