Starting from the conceptual distinction between human and non-human animal, this article seeks to account for a dimension of the animal question that goes beyond problems related to specism. While the specific practices harm non-human animals by the mere fact of not belonging to the human species, the aspect of the discussion that is sought to account in this work corresponds to the conceptual apparatus that sustains these practices and whose scope have important consequences also in the life of human beings. How involved are we in the animal issue? Following the proposal by Corine Pelluchon in Manifiesto Animalista (2018), this article raises the animal issue as a political strategy or program. The animal issue and the recognition of our shared condition of finite beings can be the philosophical and normative orientation for new horizons of coexistence, social and political organization.
Núñez Zerega, D. (2020). Beyond speciesism in the animal issue. Revista Bricolaje, (6), 89–103. Retrieved from