Author Guidelines
Scope and policy
Revista de Filosofía is an academic journal of philosophy addressed to philosophical scholars and students. It publishes original research articles by Chilean and foreign authors. The journal is interested in all areas of philosophy and open to every philosophical current without discriminating against any of them. Occasionally, it dedicates an issue to a distinguished philosopher or to a memorable philosophical book. Every issue includes a section of book reviews and critical studies about recent philosophical works in Spanish or other languages.
Contributions submitted to the journal are evaluated by anonymous referees selected by the Editor among specialists in the area to which the contribution refers. Contributors should receive a reply within approximately three months of reception of their respective contribution.
Form and preparation of manuscripts
- Revista de Filosofía publishes original research articles written in Spanish about philosophical subjects.
- Every contribution must be submitted as a .doc file, typed with typeface of size 12, with 24 pt leading, and 1.25-inch upper, lower, left and right margins. Average length of 20 pages.
- The manuscript must mention the author's name, postal and electronic address, and academic affiliation (if any).
- The text should be preceded by an abstract of less than 100 words, in Spanish and in English, and a list of 5 to 15 Keywords in both languages.
Notes should be formatted as endnotes in the manuscript, in the same typeface and with the same leading prescribed for the main text. If the article is accepted for publication, the notes will be printed as footnotes unless they are very long or the author prefers to have them set as endnotes.
References must conform strictly to the following rules:
Works quoted or mentioned in the main text or in the notes must be identified by the name of the author followed by the publication year and the relevant page number(s). Ambiguous expressions such as “ibid” or “loc. cit.” must be avoided, unless they refer to a work quoted one or two lines above.
The abbreviated references must be decoded in a Reference List, placed at the end of the manuscript and ordered alphabetically by the last names of the respective authors. If a quotation occurs in the main text, the proper abbreviated reference must be placed at the end of it, also in the main text, never in a note. If the quotation occurs in a note, the abbreviated reference must be placed at the end of it.
The items in the Reference List must contain the following information
(A) Reference to a book: Author’s name, publication year (in parentheses), title (italicized, NOT surrounded by quotation marks), edition and translation used (if relevant), place of publication, publisher.
[Example: Stevenson, Charles L. (1944), Ethics and Language. New Haven: YaleUniversity Press.].
(B) Reference to an article published in a journal: Author’s name, publication year (in parentheses), title (surrounded by quotation marks, NOT italicized), journal’s name (italicized, NOT surrounded by quotation marks), volume number (boldfaced), number of the first and the last page of the article (separated by a hyphen).
[Example: Popper, Karl R. (1959), “The propensity interpretation of probability”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.10: 25–42].
(C) Reference to an article published in a collective book: Author’s name, publication year (in parentheses), title (surrounded by quotation marks, NOT italicized), Editor’s name, title of the book (italicized, NOT surrounded by quotation marks), place of publication, publisher, volume number (if there is more than one, number of the first and the last page of the article (separated by a hyphen).
[Example: Popper, Karl R. (1957), “The propensity interpretation of the calculus of probability and the quantum theory”, in S. Körner, ed., Observation and Interpretation.London:Butterworth; pp. 65–70.].