Adaptation of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale. A Study in Argentine University Students



The aim of this work is to present the adaptation and validation of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale for its use with university students. Participants were 249 students of both sexes (61.0% women) from different careers of a private university. Students responded to the Revised Youth Purpose Survey, the Self-Concept Clarity Scale, Harter’s Self-Perception Profile for University Students. Retranslation of the scale, assessment of expert judges and pilot test were performed. Homogeneity was analysed by means of corrected item-total correlation and internal consistency by means of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The internal structure was studied through Exploratory Factor Analysis. The correlation between self-concept clarity, global self-esteem, and the search and identification of purpose in life was analysed. Age and gender differences were investigated. The results show that the scale adaptation has been achieved for use with university students. Evidence of adequate content validity and good functioning of the items, factorial, construct validity and good reliability were found.


self-concept, validation, scale, college students