What school leadership does the inclusive education project need?



The project of inclusive education implies a displacement of concepts, structures, practices and policies. This systemic interpellation especially affects school leadership, since it demands a shift in coherence in the personal and professional dispositions of directors, management teams and management teams. This text reviews and reflects on the school leadership that a school with an inclusive orientation need. To this end, 10 central ideas about the paradigm of inclusive education are presented. For each of the ideas, a set of areas of action for management teams is displayed. The final reflections suggest that inclusion in school requires school leadership with a conceptual, ethical, systemic and programmatic positioning.


school leadership, inclusive education, practices, policies, essay

Author Biography

René Valdés, Universidad Andrés Bello

Doctor en Psicología (PUCV). Investigador de la Facultad de Educaci´ón y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Andrés Bello.