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Movilidad en los Suburbios Dispersos y el Nuevo Urbanismo en los Estados Unidos de América: ¿importación irreflexiva desde Chile?


  • Constantino Mawromatis P. académico de la F.A.U. de la Universidad de Chile.


The disperse suburb has been the most widely used model in the United States during the 20th century. This manner of planning has greatly influenced the mobility within the metropolitan areas in the U. S. creating an increasing demand for new infrastructure thus diminishing the standard of living of the inhabitants. Because of this there has been new propositions that suggest to work with neo-traditional planning. In Chile the suburban expansion that has been taking place during the last two decades, mainly due to the posible profits of real estate investments, can be seen as thoughtless attempt to import a foreign model, thus setting aside negative consequences that might affect the future development of our urban settlements.


Disperse suburbs in the U.S.A., neotraditional urban planning, mobility in metropolitan areas.

Author Biography

Constantino Mawromatis P., académico de la F.A.U. de la Universidad de Chile.

Arquitecto de la Universidad de Chile, Bach. of Architecture, University of Miami. Libre ejercicio de la profesión y académico de la F.A.U. de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente cursa el programa Doctoral Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Universidad de Chile.